all things food from a girl who loves to eat

My Kitchen Essentials

I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve used a wine bottle as a rolling pin before. I’ve also got sucked into buying the “necessary” kitchen tools which were actually not necessary at all. But there are a few things I can’t live without in the kitchen. Some of these things make your life easier, some help you get your recipe jusstttt right, and some just add flavor that you can’t get from anywhere else.

Christina’s Favorites

This is my new favorite kitchen tool! It takes your morning coffee from boring to coffeehouse in 7 seconds. You’d think you ordered this at your local Starbucks! You can froth any milk – whether it’s regular, oat or almond. I added ice to make an iced latte – a dash of cinnamon on top… delicious! Buy it here!
Since Quarantine, I’ve been baking a lot of breads and things that have yeast (along with the rest of the world), and the candy thermometer has helped me make sure I’m using the correct temperature of water. If it’s too cold, the yeast won’t bloom, if it’s too hot, the water will kill the yeast. This tool helps you get the perfect 100 degree warm water! I also use it for frying, to make sure your oil is the right temperature. You can also use it for, you guessed it: MAKING CANDY! Buy it here!
You can make *anything* in the cast iron. Fry bacon, bake a skillet chocolate chip cookie, make the cheesiest mac & cheese. You can make chicken cutlets, or bake chicken in the oven. Biscuits, pizza. I’m telling you: ANYTHING.
They usually come pre-seasoned, but I like to give it a light oil bath every now and again to keep it looking its best. I have three different sizes, ranging from small to extra large, so no recipe is too big or small. I can’t live without them! Buy it here!